Submit Your Pics!
We're thrilled to invite you to share your captivating rocketry-related images with us. By submitting your photos here, you have the exciting opportunity to contribute to our rocketry community and potentially see your work featured on our platforms.
Guidelines for Submission:
1. Rocketry Focus: We're seeking high-quality photos that capture the essence of rocketry in all its forms. Whether it's the adrenaline-filled launch, intricate rocket designs, awe-inspiring liftoffs, or candid moments from rocketry events, we're eager to see your unique perspective.
2. Photo Ownership: Please only submit photos that you have the explicit permission to share and grant Tripoli Rocketry Association the right to use. Ensure that you have the necessary rights to the images and any recognizable individuals in them.
3. Crediting: We value your creative contribution and will provide proper credit to you as the submitter whenever your photo is used. Make sure to include your name or preferred credit line when submitting your photos.
4. Technical Requirements: For optimal display and consideration, please submit high-resolution images in common formats such as JPEG or PNG. Images should be free from excessive post-processing that distorts their original content.
Submit a Picture