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Any Tripoli Store orders placed after Dec. 19th will be shipped in early January.
Thank you for your understanding.


Auto-Renewal for Senior Members

Automatic renewal and payment is now available for Tripoli Senior members (age 18+) who pay with a credit card. (This is not available with PayPal.)

If you want to enable automatic membership renewal, please read the following information:

The next time you renew your membership, select the member type ‘Sr. Member (auto) - Insured’. When you pay with your credit card the information will be retained by our card partner, Stripe. In subsequent years, no action is needed. Your membership will auto-renew about a week before expiration, and one or two days later your credit card will be charged.

You will still receive renewal reminders, but no action is required unless you want to disable auto renewal. If that’s the case, simply select the Senior Member type instead, and your membership will no longer auto renew.

Please bear in mind that Tripoli membership fees are not refundable, nor are they prorated upon cancellation.  If you want to discontinue auto-renewal, you must do so at least a week prior to your expiration date.

Auto-Renewal FAQs

I am joining as a new member.  May I choose to auto renew?
Senior members may choose to auto renew the the first time they renew, and it will work in subsequent annual renewals.

I have a Junior or Student membership.  May I use auto-renewal?
Auto renewal is only available for Senior members.

Can I select Auto-Renewal if I have already paid?

You may select the auto renew member type the next time you renew, even if that means choosing to renew early.

Is my credit card information secure?
Yes, only a portion of your information is retained on the Tripoli system. Your actual credit card information is securely held by our credit card processing partner, Stripe.

What happens if my card expires?
You can update your credit card information on your profile at any time.

Can I use PayPal to auto-renew?
PayPal is not compatible with auto-payments.  You must use a credit card.

What if I want to discontinue my membership?  How do I turn it off?
When you receive your next renewal notice, follow the instructions to disable auto renewal.

Tripoli  Rocketry Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 87, Bellevue, NE, 68005
(402) 884-9530 - phone  /  (402) 884-9531 - fax

New Tripoli Store Support
For any issues regarding the new Tripoli Store, please contact us at
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