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HomeRecords Committee

Tripoli Competition Events


The Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) Contest and Records Committee celebrates the achievements of rocket enthusiasts! This program provides a platform to showcase accomplishments alongside fellow enthusiasts who strive for excellence. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a rising star, the TRA Records Program is your launchpad to recognition.

This document outlines the competition rules, procedures, and approved categories for Tripoli high-power rocket launches. All TRA Prefects, TAP members, Launch Directors, and RSOs are urged to familiarize themselves with these guidelines for consistent implementation at their launches. Tripoli launch organizers are encouraged to incorporate these competition events. Participation is open to all individuals at sanctioned Tripoli launches.

The TRA Records Program offers a standardized system for documenting and verifying rocketry achievements, upholding principles of fairness, transparency, and integrity. Each record attempt undergoes rigorous evaluation based on these criteria, ensuring the credibility of all recognized achievements.

The program is open to all TRA members seeking verification and record-keeping of their rocketry accomplishments. A continuously updated list of current records is maintained as new achievements are submitted and verified. The approved competition categories for Tripoli high-power launches are listed in the Official Altitude Records Rules page.

Competion Rules and Overview (revision 11/2024)

  1. Overview

    • Safety: Prioritize safety. Adhere to the Tripoli Unified Safety Code (TUSC). All participants (including but not limited to competitors, TAPs, Prefects, RSOs, and LCOs) must take necessary precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. Landing must be within the waiver cylinder.

    • Altitude Verification: For flights below 30,000 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL), use a flyer-supplied barometric altimeter. For flights at or above 30,000 MSL, use a flyer-supplied GPS unit; GPS data must be submitted for verification.

    • Disputes: Rule violations result in disqualification. Decisions of the TRA Contests and Records Committee are final.

  2. Rules and Procedures

    • Equipment: Only commercially available, unmodified altimeters are allowed. Altimeters must accurately record apogee AGL, be resettable, and have a verifiable pre-flight/post-flight state. Flights above 30,000 MSL require a commercial GPS unit; all flight data (altimeter, accelerometer, GPS) must be submitted.

    • Record Attempt: Two designated Official Witnesses (TRA Contest and Records Committee members, TRA BOD members, Prefects, TAP members, Launch Directors, or RSOs; not the competitor) must observe and validate the attempt. A signed TRA Records Application form must be submitted pre-flight. Only impulse from the rocket motor(s) is permitted; no external assistance is allowed.

    • Post-Flight: The flyer returns the rocket for inspection. Official Witnesses must witness the downloading of flight data. The record application must be signed the same day (exceptions may be granted by the Committee). Successful recovery device deployment and safe descent within TUSC guidelines are mandatory. Significant inconsistencies between altimeter data and observed flight (>1,000ft) may result in disqualification.

    • Submission and Review: Submit the following within 30 days: signed Record Application, altimeter data, GPS data (if applicable), high-quality photos of the rocket and flyer (preferably at the launch site). If ejection occurs, the peak altitude before ejection is the official altitude. The Committee will notify the flyer of record acceptance and post the flight information on the TRA website. Certification flight standards apply to record attempts. For impulse-based events, motor class is determined by certified total impulse, not manufacturer's specifications.

  3. Record Categories (See tables for corresponding categories for competition)

    • Single Motor: Single motor only; no staging or clustering.

    • Staged Motor: Staged configuration only; no clustering or boosted darts. Total impulse determines motor class.

    • Cluster Motor: Minimum three motors; no staging or boosted darts. Lowest impulse motor must be at least 10% of the largest. Air-started motors are acceptable. Total impulse determines motor class.

    • Hybrid Motors: Certified hybrid motors only. Single motor, cluster, or staged configurations are allowed. Total impulse determines motor class.

    • Handicapped: Restrictions on total impulse, minimum rocket diameter, and length. If multi-stage, the uppermost stage must meet the diameter and length restrictions.

    • Boosted Dart: Inert sustainer with a single booster stage; no two-stage rockets where the sustainer didn't ignite. Must have recovery and comply with TUSC. Total impulse determines motor class.

    • Research Motor - Individual: Single motor only. Contestant must make the motor and rocket. Commercial motor manufacturers are ineligible. Rockets with motors ~ ≥2560 N-s require onboard electronics for recovery. Motor diameter and total case length determines class, not impulse.

    • Research Motor - Group Projects: Group entries (motor maker and rocket maker must be present). Commercial motor manufacturers are ineligible. Rockets with motors ~ ≥2560 N-s require onboard electronics for recovery. Motor diameter and total case length determines class, not impulse.

    • Research Hybrid Motor: Individual or team entries (motor maker must be present). Commercial motor manufacturers are ineligible. Rockets with motors ~ ≥2560 N-s require onboard electronics for recovery. Motor diameter and total case length determines class, not impulse. Max case length is defined as motor + total tank length.

    • Cumulative Altitude - Million Feet Award: The Million Feet Award recognizes individuals who have achieved one million feet in cumulative altitude for high-power rocket record attempts. A single flyer shall accumulate 1,000,000 feet or greater in any number of flights. Motors may be certified or research in any configuration, single, cluster, or multistage. New flights - Use the form recording date, motor, airframe diameter and length, total weight, altimeter used, and altitude attained. Historical flights - Information can come from personal logs, paper or electronic, flight cards from launches, saved altimeter data, or other sources with the Committee's approval. Historically flights may be over at any time as long as there is documentation. Send documentation with name, TRA number, and contact information electronically (preferred) or on paper to the TRA Contest and Records Committee’s email address. Flights with poor or questionable documentation will be accepted or rejected at the Committee's discretion. The award shall consist of recognition on the TRA website and a pin. The record of achievement will remain on the website even if membership lapses or the member is deceased.

 Commercial Motor
Altitude Competition Classes

F 40.01 to 80 N-s
G 80.01 to 160 N-s
H 160.01 to 320 N-s
I 310.01 to 640 N-s
J 640.01 to 1280 N-s
K 1280.01 to 2560 N-s
L 2560.01 to 5120 N-s
M 5120.01 to 10240 N-s
N 10240.01 to 20480 N-s
O 20480.01 to 40960 N-s

 Handicapped Category Classes

Class  Minimum Airframe Diameter and Length Max Total Impulse 
F 2.50 inches for at least 2 feet 80 N-s
G 2.50 inches for at least 2 feet 160 N-s
H 3.75 inches for at least 3 feet 320 N-s
I 3.75 inches for at least 3 feet 640 N-s
J 5.00 inches for at least 5 feet 1280 N-s
K 5.00 inches for at least 5 feet 2560 N-s
L 7.5 inches for at least 8 feet 5120 N-s
M 7.5 inches for at least 8 feet 10240 N-s
N 11.5 inches for at least 12 feet 20480 N-s
O 11.5 inches for at least 12 feet 40960 N-s

 Research Altitude Competion Classes

(Max OD)
Max Case Length (including
protruding forward
24mm Any E
29mm Any F, G, H
38mm Under 12" I
38mm 12" and greater J
54mm Under 12" J
54mm 12" to 24" K
54mm Over 24" L
3" Under 26" M
3" 26" and over M
4" Under 29" M
4" 29" to 48" N
4" Over 48" O
5" Under 48" O
 5" Over 48" O,P
6" Under 48" O,P
6" Over 48"  P,Q
8" Under 48"  P,Q
8" Over 48" Q+
Over 8" Any Q+


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