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Threshold for Class 2 Rocket Review

TRA Class 3 Committee | Published on 10/30/2020
The Tripoli Board of Directors has approved a change in policy with respect to high altitude flights. Past policy has been that all FAA Class 2 flights of 50,000 feet AGL and above require a review by the Class 3 Review Committee (C3RC).

The new change increases the threshold for non-complex Class 2 flights from 50,000 feet AGL to 75,000 feet AGL, meaning that single stage, single motor Class 2 flights between 50,000 feet AGL but under 75,000 feet AGL no longer require C3RC review.

Complex Class 2 rockets expected to fly to or above 50k and Class 3 flights must still be reviewed as usual with one significant exception. The KLOUDBusters prefecture has a combined Class 2/3 COA that covers their entire events. For this venue, contact the Launch Director 90 days before the event to ensure that your Class 3 rocket can be flown. Class 3 flights at the Rocket Pasture do not require submission to the C3RC.

Tripoli Board of Directors

Tripoli  Rocketry Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 87, Bellevue, NE, 68005
(402) 884-9530 - phone  /  (402) 884-9531 - fax

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