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HomeLevel 3

Level 3 Certification Procedure


Level 3 Certification allows flyers to fly High Power Rockets with a total installed impulse greater than 5120 n-sec. 

You are required to select two Technical Advisory Panel Members to oversee your Level 3 project.  TAP members are experienced Tripoli members with proven expertise in high-impulse rocketry. You'll provide design details such as sketches, drawings, materials lists, and schematics to your TAP member and they will offer timely, constructive feedback, ensuring your project meets the necessary standards.



Before attempting a Level 3 Certification flight, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

1. Complete Level 2 Certification:
  • You must have completed your Level 2 certification before starting the Level 3 certification process.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in flying Level 2 rockets with electronic recovery.
2. Obtain TAP Approval for Design:
  • Your Level 3 project design must be approved by your TAP Members before commencing construction. You will need to present design details to your TAP members and obtain their signatures on the certification form before starting construction.
  • Keep the TAP members informed of any changes during the construction process.
3. Documentation: 
  • Prepare detailed documentation, including a TAP Pre Flight Data Capture Form, rocket drawings, a parts list, and an electronic recovery system wiring diagram.
  • Create a Pre-Flight Checklist for field assembly, motor installation, recovery system preparation, launcher installation, and system arming and disarming. 
  • Document the build process with multiple photographs, including at least one of yourself working on the project.
4. Rocket Airframe:
  • The rocket must be built by you, the flyer.
  • Display the calculated center of pressure on the exterior.
  • Only use "conventional rocket design," prohibiting "Odd Rockets" like pyramids, saucers, and flying spools.
  • You may use either a kit or scratch-built rocket. Scratch-built rockets may contain commercially built components.
  • Commercially available pre-fabricated fin cans are not permitted for Level 3 certification flights.
  • 3D-printed fin cans may be used if approved by the TAPs, provided they are substantially designed and entirely printed by you.
4. Motor Selection:
  • Use a single certified M or larger motor for the certification flight.
  • The motor must have a total tested impulse greater than 5120.01 newton-seconds.
  • Staged and/or Clustered rockets are not allowed for certification flights.
  • The flyer shall be observed by the TAP member or their designated representative during the assembly (if a reload or hybrid) and preparation of the motor.
5. Electronics:
  • Successfully fly at least one rocket in the Level 2 range using an electronic device as the primary means of recovery system deployment before attempting Level 3 certification.
  • Level 3 certification flights must include two completely separate electronic devices, each with independent power sources, wire harnesses, and ignition devices for recovery system deployment.
L3 Project Approval and Build Diagram

Certification Flight Process

1. Select a Launch Event:
  • Your Level 3 Certification flight may take place at any insured launch event.
2. TAP Member Presence:
  • Ensure that your TAP member is present to witness your certification flight.
3. Flight Execution:
  • Launch the rocket ensuring stable ascent and controlled descent by the recovery system.
4. Post-Flight Inspection:
  • Present the rocket to the TAP member for inspection post-flight.
  • If the rocket cannot be recovered but can be inspected in place (e.g., caught in power lines, trees), it is acceptable.
  • The TAP member will inspect the rocket for excessive damage, disqualifying it if the damage prevents safe re-flight.

5. Certification Approval:

  • Upon approval of your certification, the certifying TAP member will sign your Universal Certification Form
  • You or the  member should email the completed certification form to: (It is ultimately the member's responsibility to ensure the form is sent to Tripoli.)
  • Tripoli Headquarters will update your certification level in the Tripoli Member Database.
  • If your membership type included a printed card, a new card will be mailed to you that reflects your new certification level. This will generally take 7 - 14 days to arrive.  You can also print a virtual copy of your card before your hard copy ships. Here are Instructions on how to do so.

L3 Flight Certification Process

Non-Certification Criteria


Your certification flight may result in non-certification if any of the following conditions are met:
  • Motor Cato (catastrophic motor failure).
  • Excessive damage to the rocket that prevents safe re-flight.
  • No recovery system deployment or tangled recovery system deployment.
  • Rocket drifting outside the specified launch range.
  • Components coming down that are not attached to the recovery system.
  • Any other violation of the TRA safety code associated with this particular flight.

Level 3 Certification Resources

Below are some resources that will be important throughout your Level 3 Certification.

Safety and Certification News
Recent Articles

Tripoli  Rocketry Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 87, Bellevue, NE, 68005
(402) 884-9530 - phone  /  (402) 884-9531 - fax

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