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HomeMember Insurance

Tripoli Insurance


Tripoli Launch Insurance provides liability coverage for rocketry related activities by members of the Tripoli Rocketry Association.

The information provided below outlines some of the provisions of the insurance coverage provided as part of the membership dues paid by the members of the Tripoli Rocketry Association and is for reference only this is not a legal representation in any sense. The insurance carrier can only make final coverage determination.

The Tripoli Rocketry Association carries General Liability Insurance covering launch events, meetings, classes, seminars and other Tripoli Sanctioned Events. This policy covers events hosted by a Tripoli Prefecture and the rocketry activities of a member. The policy runs for each calendar year, (Jan 1 through Dec 31).

The policy covers injury and property damage to spectators, innocent bystanders, and Tripoli Members. Medical payments are also a feature of the policy. There is no coverage for Tripoli Members who cause bodily injury or property damage to themselves as a result of their rocketry activities.

You must adhere to the Tripoli Rocketry Association’s Safety Code, (most recent edition) and its Bylaws for liability coverage. Violations to the Tripoli Rocketry Association’s Safety Code or its Bylaws can result in denial of coverage for an incident. FAA requirements must be met.

Violations to the FAA regulations can result in denial of coverage for an incident.

Coverage limits and deductibles




Premises Liability Each Occurrence - No Aggregate

Products & Completed Operations Each Occurrence and Aggregate

Personal Injury & Advertising Each Occurrence and Aggregate

Fire Damage - Any One Fire

Medical Payments - Each Person

Medical Payments - Each Occurrence

Property Damage - Per Claim Deductible

Frequently Asked Questions

What activities does TRA insurance cover?

TRA insurance is general liability and property damage coverage included as part of your membership benefits. Member insurance helps protect members from liabilities arising out of TRA rocketry activities held at approved launch locations. This includes model rockets, high power rockets powered by certified motors, and research high power rockets, in the event the member’s rocket causes damage or injury to another person or property owned by someone else. Location coverage is limited to premises necessary and incidental to the insured’s operations within a 10-mile radius of the launch pad or the limits of the FAA Certificate of Authorization (COA aka “waiver”), whichever is less.

Who is covered by TRA insurance?

Tripoli members, its Prefectures, landowners, other named insured’s requested by TRA and approved by our insurance provider, and all supervised minors under 18 years old flying model rockets. The coverage is worldwide. NOTE, TRA associate members (non insurance members) have no coverage and must upgrade their membership to fly at TRA Insured launch.

Sanctioned Launch

Also called Insured Launch. Any launch of a rocket that meets ALL of the following constraints:
  • Responsible person of launch shall be member of Tripoli in good standing.
  • Follows the appropriate Tripoli Safety Code.
  • Legal: All AHJ (e.g. FAA waiver) requirements/regulations met and any required permits secured.
  • Landowner permission/constraints followed

What about my children? if they have an accident flying model rockets at a Tripoli Sanctioned launch, are they covered?

If a suit is brought against Tripoli as a result of a minor, who while under direct supervision of TRA in their rocket activities, that causes Bodily Injury or Physical Damage, there is coverage.

Here is the exact response received from the underwriter:

“At a Tripoli sanctioned event where a minor causes Bodily Injury or Physical Damage and Tripoli is sued as a result of their negligence or in the event of an accident, there is coverage.”

What about youths under 18 who are not members of any organization nor have legal guardians present not belong to any organization, will they be allowed to fly at a Tripoli event?

All supervised minors flying model rockets under direct supervision of an Adult Flyer are covered. For example, if any youth is the cause of an accident in his/her model rocket activities the Youth, Tripoli, its members and Prefectures, landowners, and other named insured’s are protected from third party liability.

Adult Flier: An insured TRA member or an insured member of an approved, insured rocketry
organization that is 18 years old or older.

Approved insured Rocketry Organization: Any rocketry organization that TRA has insurance reciprocity with. At this writing this includes NAR only.

From time to time TRA, in accordance with our bylaws, and as a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation, assists certain organizations and academia in the educational aspect of rocketry. For instance, we allow Boy Scouts of America, high schools, etc., who have rocketry programs, to participate at our launches under supervision of an Adult Flyer Of course, these under 18 years of age children's activities are strictly supervised under our Tripoli Safety Code. That Code is in compliance with the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) and CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) codes regarding children's use of consumer Model Rocket Motors. Of course, in no circumstance would TRA allow children to use anything other than these low power motors, designated by the United States Postal Service, as "Toy Propellant Devices" when shipped via US Mail.

We have in the past asked for, and been granted, adding "named Insured's" to our Policy. These named insureds now include volunteers, members of Team America Rocket Challenge (TARC), Student Launch Initiative (SLI), Boy Scouts of America (BSA), NASA University Student Launch Initiative (USLI), and various other accredited educational concerns.

Who is liable if an uninsured flier causes and incident?

The launch organizers may be held liable if they chose to allow uninsured Adult fliers to participate.  This includes both model rocket and high power fliers.

When am I or my children covered?

TRA members are covered at any launch that meet the definition of Sanctioned Launch. TRA members flying at those launches are covered by TRA Insurance. You must check with the individual non TRA organization to see if they accept Tripoli insurance at their launch.

Is TRA insurance secondary or primary coverage?

TRA insurance is primary coverage, meaning it applies for all your rocketry activity covered under the TRA Safety Code.

What is the difference between primary and secondary insurance?

Primary insurance is property or liability coverage that provides benefits (usually after a deductible has been paid by an insured) up to the limits of a policy, regardless of other insurance polices in effect.

Secondary insurance is property or liability coverage that pays claims covered by the policy after primary insurance limits has been exhausted.

What are the coverage limits and deductibles of the insurance?

  • Coverage Limits
  • Premises Liability Each Occurrence - No Aggregate $3,000,000
  • Products & Completed Operations Each Occurrence and Aggregate $1,000,000
  • Personal Injury & Advertising Each Occurrence and Aggregate $3,000,000
  • Fire Damage - Any One Fire $100,000
  • Medical Payments - Each Person $5,000
  • Medical Payments - Each Occurrence $25,000
  • Property Damage - Per Claim Deductible $2,500

If a family member or I get hurt at a TRA sponsored activity and the injury is not self inflicted, does TRA insurance cover medical expenses?  And if so, is there a deductible?

Yes and No. The TRA policy has a medical payments provision for accidents during TRA approved operations. The applicable limit for this coverage is $5,000 per person, $25,000 per occurrence. There is no deductible.

What if our Prefecture has Adult non-members attending our launch.  Are they covered by TRA insurance when they fly with us?

No. Adult Non-members are not covered by TRA insurance. To obtain coverage, they must join and become members of TRA, regardless of age or impulse flown. NAR, CAR, and UKRA members may fly at TRA launches, but are only covered by their respective organizations insurance, not TRA insurance.

What if my Prefecture has a large event and enlists the aide of non TRA member volunteers, are they covered?

Yes. Volunteers under TRA member direction are “additional named insured’s” in the policy.

Does TRA insurance cover property damage caused by my rocket? If my rocket damages my car is this covered? Are we covered if a rocket hits a house and causes damage?

Property damage to "third parties" is covered. Coverage for property damage to the member's owned property is not covered. In the case of your rocket damaging your car, your car insurance becomes primary. That includes rental cars or property rented by you.

What happens if my rocket damages someone’s car?

You are covered, this is the same as property damage. Please note that you will be responsible for the $2500 deductible. In most cases it will be more economical to use the car owners auto insurance to cover this.

Are we covered if a rocket hits someone who is not part of the launch?

Yes. TRA members have primary coverage for rocket activities conducted under the TRA Safety Codes, after any pertinent deductibles are met.

How do I convince a Landowner that our rocket activities are covered by real insurance backed by a reputable provider, so that he'll let me launch on his land? What benefits can I show him?

TRA HQ can get you and your landowner a “binding document” showing your landowner coverage and provider. If your landowner has additional questions or concerns, TRA HQ can appoint representatives to directly answer those questions or concerns.

Why do we need to list launch sites in order for them to be covered by the insurance?

Tripoli requires this to properly “risk assess” insurance coverage perils. Risk assessment management performed internally is recognized by our insurance providers by decreasing our premiums. Controlled premiums result in not having to increase membership dues.  Landowner Authorization forms can be found here; Landowner Authorization Form

When should a TRA insurance claim be filed?

File the claim as soon as possible after the incident. The more recent the accident, the more complete the details will be.

If a claim must be filed, how do I file it?

Contact TRA HQ immediately after any accident for which you believe you might have to file a claim. They'll have complete information available for you to file a claim. You can also file a preliminary report of your claim by using the Insurance Incident Report Form 

Can I contact someone if I have questions about insurance?

Yes. Contact TRA HQ and they can direct a representative to answer your questions. 


Committee Members

  • Deb Koloms - Chair
  • Jerry O'Sullivan
  • Bob Brown - BoD Liaison

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Tripoli  Rocketry Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 87, Bellevue, NE, 68005
(402) 884-9530 - phone  /  (402) 884-9531 - fax

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